Friday, September 29, 2017
Pest Control Benefits for Home Owners
Many homeowners employ pest control to manage different aspects of their homes. It is a reality that there are several kinds of nuisance animals and insects in residential and even commercial areas. These nuisance animals and insects come in different forms. Insects make up the bulk of what plagues many homeowners.
Common Nuisances
In residential areas, the most common kinds of insects and animals that need to be managed include, but are not limited to ants, termites, wasps, bees, cockroaches, raccoons, rats, moles and many others. Insects can basically enter and take over a house if they are left unchecked because they are small enough to fit in the many nooks and crannies in a structure. Pest control for insects is necessary because they can invade a house and stay in it unnoticed for several months, even years due to their small size and subversive movements. Termites can eat almost half of the structure before an unobservant homeowner will be aware of their presence. Ants are not as destructive as termites but they can be a nuisance because they can be anywhere. Cockroaches are dirty insects that carry disease and can multiply at an alarming rate while living in between walls and under cupboards and cabinets. Wasps and bees basically stay outside of the house but can be dangerous especially when there are some people who are allergic to their sting. Some species also tend to be aggressive when guarding their hives. Mosquitoes also pose a risk of contagious diseases for homeowners that live near places where they multiply and they are pesky creatures that can cause allergic reactions to those they bite.
Rodents are very common animals that plague a house. Rats, raccoons, moles and squirrels can be among these pests. They usually invade a house because they are in search of food. Birds can also be a nuisance for some homeowners because they also tend to go inside open windows and get anything that catches their fancy inside the house, from food to shiny items. Some birds also leave bird droppings in the place where they roost and these can be a source of smell and irritation for homeowners. Pest control is also necessary for some animals like snakes and spiders.
The benefits that homeowners get from contacting a pest control company for their needs include, but are not limited to, the professional know-how and services that the company can extend to their clients. These companies know the right methods and techniques for each kind of nuisance insect and animal. There are also many companies that practice humane treatment and disposal of the insects and animals that they manage. Another benefit of employing pest control companies to manage the problem is the safety that homeowners are assured of. Some people risk their health when they handle chemicals and other methods that should be handled by professionals only. Many of these companies also have the capacity to fumigate large areas for their clients.
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Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Why Invest In Reliable Pest Control Services
Getting professional pest control services offers several great benefits as opposed to controlling pests like spiders, termites, or rodents on your own. Reliable service providers have qualified, trained technicians who know and understand where to treat as well as how to handle infestations. If you want to protect your new home or perhaps to treat an old property, a pest control service is certainly a smart choice.
5 Reasons For Getting Pest Control Services
Customized Plans - Protecting your home from invaders will mean having the best protection. If you send professional service providers, they are sure to set up plans which are very specific to your needs. They will take into consideration the size of your home, long-term prevention, and the level of infestation. Also, you will have the option to do pre-treatments on new construction to keep pests at bay along with emergency services in order to treat nests and hives.
Hazard - Pest control technicians know how their products will work and where to put them in and out of a home. Lots of companies are now going green and are utilizing products which are safe for the home and environment.
Time & Flexibility - Nobody want to take time off just to wait for the "bug guy". And reliable pest control companies know this and are very willing and committed to work around your schedule. When you request for a free inspection along with a price quote for service, you will certainly find that most exterminators will work past sunset and on weekends. Controlling pest infestations will take time, and employing pest control products at the right time is considered the key to protecting your home successfully. You must know that pest control companies will track and report every time they will spray and know if they must retreat before the products will stop working.
Risks - If you use the wrong elimination method, it will have similar consequences with many pests. But by hiring the experts to do the job, risks will be minimized, if not eliminated, since they know exactly how to deal with possible nests and pests. Indeed, getting expert help will make you rest assured that your family will be safe from harmful chemicals. Apart from that, significant amount of your time and money will also be saved by getting a professional, trusted service.
Cost - When termites damage your home, this might cost you thousands of dollars in home repairs. You might not be aware of how perform proper pest inspection. Termite control firms are knowledgeable of what to look for. Moreover, the cost of their service is a lot cheaper as opposed to repairing prolonged termite damage.
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Saturday, September 23, 2017
Answering Questions About Professional Pest Control
One mistake frequently made can be that professional pest control treatment is simply on an "as needed" basis. Most folks believe that they should only call in a pro pest killer when a problem arises. The truth can be that once there's an existing pest problem, the answer may be more than you thought might be involved. Additional concerns include the chemicals used, how successful the service will be, how long it will last and if the company is certified.
When you should use professional pest control
Put simply, prevention is the key to long-term control. One ought to use a professional service on a consistent basis to prevent an issue from arising in the first place. This will seem a little pricey, but it can and will save you a load of cash by preventing a pest from getting into the home.
For example, termites may cause substantial damage when they start feasting on the lumber in your home. Flooring could fall through, walls may buckle and decks may collapse from termite damage. The fact is that once termites get going, the harm is already done by the time you detect it. Prevention would have saved you all that anguish and money.
Are the chemicals safe?
In the past, that was not as much a factor as it can be these days. For that reason, chemicals and pesticides may have gotten a bad reputation. Nowadays, the chemicals are environmentally safe by mandate. It is true that they may be toxic, but from an environmental standpoint, they are safe and sound.
How effective is a treatment and how long can it last?
This issue is only answered by calling an area pest control company and asking. Make sure to ask if they have a steady routine of preventive treatment and how often it needs to be completed. Typically, applications are performed two times a year, possibly three based on the particular company being used. Keep in mind that prevention is meant to avoid expensive damage which arises with pest infestation, so the price is certainly worth it. Treatments are meant to be effectual for up to a 12 months, with a "recharge" every once in a while.
Is the pest control company licensed?
It is an issue that is important. The company will have to be licensed to perform their services. In addition they must be licensed to handle the chemical substances in a secure way. Most of the companies will have the certifications posted right in the office where they accept customers. Walk over to them and ensure they are all legitimate and current. Ask if they've got certification. They should not have any problem showing you that information.
All these factors is going to figure in to your pest problem solution. The last thing to consider will be the price involved. Do a little comparison shopping and obtain the best value possible. Make use of the Web to research the companies you might be considering. Above all, be sure you know what type of problem you are dealing with so you can give the pest control company the relevant information.
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Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Stop the Bugs in Their Tracks! It's Time for Pest Control
Insect invaders are never welcome in your home. Put a stop their advancements with pest control services. These buggy creatures can cause a number of structural, health, and general hygienic problems in your residence. Don't expose your family to these vile creatures any longer. Get the professionals out to your home before these insects can cause you and your family some real trouble. Let's take a look at a few of the common insect infestations that homeowners should be aware of. If you notice any of the things below, do not hesitate to call pest control to exterminate these insects where they stand.
Summertime brings pleasant, warm weather, but it's also the perfect time for a sharp increase in flea populations. While the majority of health problems that these lecherous insects cause will be to your pets, they can be quite an annoyance to your daily life, causing you itchy skin and red bumps. When you call out an exterminator to deal with your flea problem, they will ask you a number of questions to determine how bad your infestation is. You will also need to do a few things before they start the extermination process:
- Vacuum the entirety of your home and then place the used vacuum bags in the garbage.
- Pick up all loose books, toys, and other clutter off the floor.
- Wipe down or mop all tiled surfaces that cannot be vacuumed.
- Get your pets treated for fleas.
- Provide an empty home for at least four hours so the chemicals can do their job.
Post-extermination, you should vacuum as often as possible and keep a sharp eye on your pets to ensure that the infestation does not return.
These wood-eating insects are found in every single state except for Alaska. Almost all of these insects operate on the subterranean level, so it will be hard for you to see them. If these bugs cannot find wood to eat in their natural surroundings, they will turn their attentions on your home. Any wood in your home that makes contact with the soil allows termites easy access to your residence. Do not keep firewood right by your home, as this attracts termites. Getting regular pest control inspections for termites could save you thousands upon thousands of dollars in structural repairs. If you notice a number of discarded wings around your windowsills or small tunnels in your home's corners and other wooden places, call your exterminator as soon as possible.
There are over 240,000 documented species of these flying nuisances in existence. Over one third of these types can be found in the United States. These bugs are confirmed disease carriers, and they are quite adept at passing bacteria over to human beings. They breed anywhere that there is decaying matter, which allows them to attain and distribute numerous viruses and bacteria. These insects can go from egg to full blown fly in under seven days, so if you have a fly problem, it is best to get pest control out to your residence as quickly as possible to quell this growth.
Be vigilant in your home! Do not allow your residence to run rampant with insects.
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Sunday, September 17, 2017
Pest Control - Find Out How to Prevent Infestations
If you are considering getting pest control services for your house, you should first think about what may have caused the bugs to be attracted to your home in the first place. Sometimes you can't help it, perhaps because they are just common in your area, or maybe close neighbors in an adjacent apartment have an infestation that carries over to yours. However, there are usually risk factors that you can prevent so that you are less likely to get bugs in the house.
You probably already know that garbage attracts unwanted visitors often. However, most people assume theirs is safe when it is put away, such as under the sink. If you have no lid or leave it open, though, you may still get pests like roaches, flies, ants, and more getting into it because they can smell it and have easy access to it. This may also lead to pests under your sink, eventually coming into the rest of your house. Try to cover your garbage to avoid this.
Make sure your house is sealed up well. Crawl spaces that are not well sealed, such as attics, and tiny holes in other areas of your home can invite bugs in. Some structures have holes or gaps that you cannot see because they are hidden down low under shelves or in linen closets, so inspect your house to make sure this is not the case. You will not only save money on pest control this way, but you may also save cash on your utility bills since less air will be coming in or leaving through the gaps.
Get rid of any wood piles or collections of old branches and shrubs, as pests can hang out in them. Carpenter ants and even termites may feel right at home in such areas, and can end up entering your residence or causing extreme damage to it from the outside. If you need to keep piles of lumber to build a fire, store them away from the structure to avoid making it easy for insects to enter.
In general, you can avoid spending money on pest control by following these tips. You may end up having a problem anyway if there are circumstances not in your control, such as an infestation before you moved in, but you will know you at least tried. Such tips can also help you in the future after you get any current infestations taken care of.
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Thursday, September 14, 2017
Benefits of Hiring a Professional Exterminator
Seeing insects and other pests in your home can be extremely bothersome. You have two options: you can handle the problem yourself, or you can hire an exterminator. There are several important benefits of hiring a professional.
Identification of the Problem
The extermination of spiders is different from the process for getting rid of cockroaches, ants, or even rodents. Targeting termites is vastly different from eradicating fleas from a home. An exterminator has the expertise necessary to examine your residence and identify the exact nature of the problem. This professional will be able to ascertain the type of pests you have in your home and the best method for removing them.
Treatment at the Source
Pests enter a house at a specific location. If the treatment does not target the source of the infestation, it is likely to continue occurring. A professional has the expertise and equipment necessary to locate the exact source of the infestation. Once found, the exterminator will work to resolve the problem by eliminating the cause. Perhaps something such as plants, soil, pet food, or garbage is attracting the insects or rodents to your home. Expert guidance will help you eliminate these types of attractions.
Avoiding Damage
Infestation can cause significant damage to a structure. Walls, ceilings, foundations, floors, carpets, furniture, and even clothing can be damaged by insects and rodents. Instead of trying to eradicate these pests ineffectively, hire an expert to ensure that damage does not continue.
Less Expense
Purchasing your own chemicals and equipment to fight pests can be expensive, especially if the infiltration is extensive. Many homeowners will spend less money by hiring a professional service to eliminate the problem. On average, most consumers pay between $100 and $250 per year for professional services. By entering into a contract with a professional, you can also ensure that pests will not return for the contract period. If you see more insects or rodents during the contract time, the company will return to perform additional treatments under the contract terms.
More Effective Eradication
The chemicals used by an exterminator will be more effective than those consumers can purchase. Hiring a professional also safeguards the consumer from choosing the wrong chemicals for the problem, as such a mistake can render their efforts useless. Misapplication of chemicals could also create potentially dangerous conditions for people living in a home.
Stop cohabitating with insects or rodents and hire an exterminator to get rid of them quickly and effectively. The price you pay will be worth the convenience of having this service performed for you.
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Monday, September 11, 2017
Don't Let Your Bug Problem Get Out of Hand, Hire the Best Pest Control
Do you suspect that your home is playing host to unwanted guests? Insect infestations can spell serious trouble for your property and your health, so don't delay calling in a professional pest control service to exterminate and completely eradicate the infestation at the source. Not only are infestations unsightly, but they can cause you and your family serious health problems and complications. Vermin are notorious disease carriers and spreaders. Let's take a look at some of the vermin that could plague your home.
These little bugs are the most common house invaders. They come looking for food and moisture, and if they find a sustainable amount, they set up shop. Ants enjoy food particles, rotting wood, moisture, and other dead insects. Their size allows them to slide through cracks around doors and windows. Store bought ant traps are decent, but if you want to completely eradicate these vermin from your residence, it is essential that you properly identify what kind of ants you're dealing with. A professional exterminator is adept at doing just this, and they will deploy an extermination plan that will finally rid your house of these little guys once and for all.
Bed Bugs
These tiny insects draw blood from humans and cause itchiness and red marks. Luckily, bed bugs are not known to carry any diseases. They are often found in mattresses, but they are also commonly found in couches and other places that people sit or sleep. The key to eradication of a bed bug infestation is thoroughness. If you miss just one bed bug during extermination, the infestation will likely come back. A female bed bug can lay 200 eggs at once. Recently, bed bugs have shown a resistance to previously successful insecticides, so it is more imperative than ever to contact a professional for successful removal of these vermin.
Most people just consider these insects a harmless nuisance, but mosquitoes are responsible for more human deaths per year than all other insects combined. These vermin are effective disease carriers, so it is important to always wear bug spray and be cautious in muggy summer months. If you have a serious infestation in or around your home, call pest control before someone in your family is taken seriously ill by one of these little insects. You can't always see or feel them, so extermination is vital.
Don't live in constant fear in your own home; call in the professionals.
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Friday, September 8, 2017
Tips to Keep Bed Bugs Out of Your Home This Summer
Summer travelling can mean inadvertently coming into contact with unwanted pest such as bed bugs. Where is that most likely to occur you might ask? Infact, places where a large number of people come and go that are most likely to be where these exist. Therefore it's no surprise that hotels and public transportation are among the most common places to come into contact with these pests.
It's a myth that bugs are only found in dirty places! Since they feed on the blood of their hosts, they can live anywhere that people do - upscale or not!The good news is that you don't have to forgo your travels this summer to avoid facing the need of bed bug treatment in your home, just be vigilant and follow these essential tips.
Be in the know
First of all, you need to know what a bed bug looks like and how to inspect a room for signs of them before you think about the need of bed bug removal. They are normally reddish-brown, although the color could vary, with a flat oval body. An adult bug is about 1/5 of an inch long.
Know how to inspect a room for bugs
Before staying in a hotel room, inspect the room for signs of these pest before unpacking. Don't place your luggage on the bed until you have done so. Use the suitcase holder if provided, or leave your luggage in the bathtub, or hallway, until you've had a chance to complete room inspection.
Don't only inspect surfaces, pull back the sheets and check for tiny blood spots and bugs and look in the seams of the bedding, as well as the box springs. The crevices and seams of wood and any upholstered furniture should also be closely examined.
Take extra precaution when arriving home
When arriving home from travels,it's best to take some extra precautions with your belongings to ensure that pests have not hitched a ride into your home. Clothes should be stored in plastic bags and then placed directly in the washing machine on the highest setting that clothes can handle.
Undress on a hard surface floor instead of carpeting so that you can wipe the floor.Vacuum luggage and hand wash other items with hot, soapy water, or wipe the item down thoroughly.
Avoid bed bugs in public places
Another common areas for picking up these pests is public transportation vehicles, or any other high-traffic area. Basically, if there are a large number of people coming and going in one area, there's a chance that they are present. The more people, the greater the possibility of pest presence and the subsequent need of bed bug removal.
To protect yourself in these situations, keep your personal belongings close to you and off of the ground. Keep purses and backpacks on your lap, and avoid setting them down in public areas.
Inspect second-hand goods before purchasing
Finally, we all love garage sales, but these can be opportunities for bed bugs to move into your home if you are not careful. In order to avoid the need for bed bug treatment, check used furniture and clothing for bugs.Any used clothing should be washed immediately at a high temperature. Furniture should always be inspected carefully and wiped down before bringing it home. As a rule, avoid used mattresses as this is a favorite dwelling place of these pests and difficult to inspect the inside.Many times, used mattresses require bed bug treatment.
With vigilance, you can enjoy your summer travels and avoid the need for a bed bug removal professional.
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Tuesday, September 5, 2017
How to Keep Mosquitoes Away | Consumer Reports
Mosquitoes are a nuisance when you want to hang out in your yard, but there are some ways to control them. Consumer Reports experts share some easy tips to keep them at bay.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Choosing a Pest Control Method
No one likes to think about pest control because it means we have undesired guests living in our homes or yards that are not all that pleasant. Whether it's termites, spiders, ants, or rodents, there are a few things you can try, although nothing is as effective as calling on a professional. They can help you identify the best method for treating your problem with the least disruption to your daily life. Depending on your particular problem, one or more of the following methods may be used:
This method uses some bait to attract insects into traps. The bait may be a pesticide, an organic material, or even a regular kitchen item. Some baits contain a poison that allows the insect to feed and return to their colony, where they will poison the entire population. Some recommended areas for using bait in your home are kitchen cupboards and drawers, under the sink, behind kitchen appliances, and near water installations in the bathroom. This method is preferred by many homeowners, since the bait is not easily seen by people in your home, does not have a strong odor, and is virtually non-toxic to people and pets.
Attracting Other Insects
This method is usually done outdoors for those pests that eat shrubs and garden plants. You can order beneficial insects that will naturally prey on the pesky ones, or plant species that are known to attract the right kind of bugs. This does take a little time, however, so it should be something you plan for early in the season, in order to give the beneficial insects time to grow and establish their hunting ground.
Chemical Control
Insecticides are a very common method, and can be administered by a homeowner or a professional service. Make sure you are using the insecticide that's appropriate for your particular situation, and always closely follow the application instructions. If you have any doubts or if you have a significant insect problem, you may want to consult a professional pest control service before spending time and money on an ineffective method that may cause harm to pets or vegetation.
This method is commonly used for non-insect pests, such as rats and mice. They catch rodents and hold them until you, or a professional, can empty the trap. You can purchase mouse traps at many retail locations. If you have an issue with larger rodents, such as moles ruining your landscape, you may want a professional pest control service to set traps outside and take care of disposing of the unwanted creatures.
As with many things in life, however, the best pest control is prevention. You can prevent infestations by making sure all possible entryways are sealed off, blocking any food sources, and managing excess moisture, which makes an optimum breeding ground for pests.
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