Friday, January 31, 2020

7 Things You Should Know About Bed Bugs

1 in 5 Americans either has had bed bugs, or knows someone who has. And the problem isn’t going away. It’s actually getting a lot worse.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Roach Control Might Be The Resolution To Pest Infestations

When the weather begins to get warmer outside there's nothing better than the smell of new fresh flowers and freshly cut grass. Many of us wait anxiously throughout the winter looking forward to the new and warmer seasons. Although there are countless aspects of warm weather to look forward to, there are also new pests that are hungry and ready to infest wherever there might be a source of food. One of the most repulsive and intrusive pests are cockroaches. Finding the right roach control is essential when it begins to warm up outside.

There are many breeds of this insect, all very annoying. They can be quite difficult to get rid of once they have found their preferred place to settle down which may include your home. These little critters are also well known to be survivors of just about anything. There is a common myth that if there were to be a nuclear disaster then roaches would be the last ones still alive, although it might not be completely factual it is very easy to imagine, as they are thought to be one of the oldest living creatures in existence and have been around for hundreds of millions of years. In addition to being pests, it is also a well-known fact that this creepy insect carries many types of bacteria, some of which can be harmful to humans, and this is one of the reasons that they often put off a very unpleasant scent. It is important to implement the best possible roach control strategy in order to get rid of these nuisances.

The reproduction methods of this species are very interesting and perhaps even startling for some people, though the methods depend on what the specific species is that has infested the given space. An American female will mate with the male thus fertilizing the egg, although some have been known to reproduce without the existence of a male role. Once the egg is fertilized it will take several months for the roach to mature. Most will live up to about a year, during which time they will lay many eggs and hide them in specific hidden locations. These little critters will feed on almost anything but they particularly like human food and pet food, which is why they are often known to infest kitchens.

Although they are known for eating out of the kitchen, they are also very tough and rugged insects and can survive off of very little to no food and continue to survive for a long time. Another scary thought is that other pests such as mice are sometimes attracted to roach droppings, so not only is an infestation annoying but they are also capable of creating other serious infestations. It is very important to contact a roach control specialist if you or someone you know has been experiencing an infestation. Not only are they intrusive but they can also be harmful to your health and the health of your family and pets.

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Saturday, January 25, 2020

Bedbugs Have Favorite Colors, Study Finds


When they aren’t chewing on you, bedbugs spend most of their time hiding in tiny cracks and crevasses. However, not all hiding places are equal for bedbugs, new research finds. They may have a preference for hiding under certain colors, according to a new study in the Journal of Medical Entomology.

Scientists at the University of Florida set up Petri dishes with paper tents in various colors available for the bed bugs to hide under, then watched to see if they preferred specific colors. The Petri dishes either contained two or seven choices of colored paper tents for the bugs to choose from.

Each bedbug had 10 minutes alone in their Petri dish to choose a hiding place before the scientists recorded their preference. Some of the bedbugs in the study had been recently fed, while others had been starved of blood for a week. The trial was repeated 40 different times with bedbugs in various life stages, both male and female.

The bedbugs’ preferences changed depending on their sex and life stage, but in general, yellow and green colors seemed to repel them, while darker colors like red and black were more appealing hiding spots. Female bedbugs preferred purple hues, while males preferred red and black more. The bugs laid more eggs under blue, red, and black paper. So while buying bedsheets, couches, and luggage, just remember that bedbugs have the fashion preferences of Avril Lavigne circa 2003.

But yellow luggage will only do so much to deter bedbugs, obviously. If you’re worried about the blood suckers, check out our tips for avoiding them while traveling. Or just never leave the house.

[h/t CNN]

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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Stop the Bugs in Their Tracks! It's Time for Pest Control

Insect invaders are never welcome in your home. Put a stop their advancements with pest control services. These buggy creatures can cause a number of structural, health, and general hygienic problems in your residence. Don't expose your family to these vile creatures any longer. Get the professionals out to your home before these insects can cause you and your family some real trouble. Let's take a look at a few of the common insect infestations that homeowners should be aware of. If you notice any of the things below, do not hesitate to call pest control to exterminate these insects where they stand.


Summertime brings pleasant, warm weather, but it's also the perfect time for a sharp increase in flea populations. While the majority of health problems that these lecherous insects cause will be to your pets, they can be quite an annoyance to your daily life, causing you itchy skin and red bumps. When you call out an exterminator to deal with your flea problem, they will ask you a number of questions to determine how bad your infestation is. You will also need to do a few things before they start the extermination process:

- Vacuum the entirety of your home and then place the used vacuum bags in the garbage.
- Pick up all loose books, toys, and other clutter off the floor.
- Wipe down or mop all tiled surfaces that cannot be vacuumed.
- Get your pets treated for fleas.
- Provide an empty home for at least four hours so the chemicals can do their job.

Post-extermination, you should vacuum as often as possible and keep a sharp eye on your pets to ensure that the infestation does not return.


These wood-eating insects are found in every single state except for Alaska. Almost all of these insects operate on the subterranean level so it will be hard for you to see them. If these bugs cannot find wood to eat in their natural surroundings, they will turn their attention on your home. Any wood in your home that makes contact with the soil allows termites easy access to your residence. Do not keep firewood right by your home, as this attracts termites. Getting regular pest control inspections for termites could save you thousands upon thousands of dollars in structural repairs. If you notice a number of discarded wings around your windowsills or small tunnels in your home's corners and other wooden places, call your exterminator as soon as possible.


There are over 240,000 documented species of these flying nuisances in existence. Over one-third of these types can be found in the United States. These bugs are confirmed disease carriers, and they are quite adept at passing bacteria over to human beings. They breed anywhere that there is decaying matter, which allows them to attain and distribute numerous viruses and bacteria. These insects can go from egg to full blown fly in under seven days, so if you have a fly problem, it is best to get pest control out to your residence as quickly as possible to quell this growth.

Be vigilant in your home! Do not allow your residence to run rampant with insects.

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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Why the Insect Brain is So Incredible - Anna Stöckl

The human brain is one of the most sophisticated organs in the world, a supercomputer made of billions of neurons that control all of our senses, thoughts, and actions. But there was something Charles Darwin found even more impressive: the brain of an ant, which he called “one of the most marvelous atoms of matter in the world.” Anna Stöckl takes us inside the tiny but mighty insect brain.

Lesson by Anna Stöckl, animation by Studio Gal Shkedi.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Value of Professional Pest Control

Pest control is not often like what you see on television. From strange methods of catching critters to downright dangerous tactics, those television programs that discuss extermination and getting rid of unwanted creatures are often exaggerations of what most people's needs are. However, one thing that may be accurate on is the need to hire a professional to manage the infestations you have. In many cases, these providers can help you to successfully rid your home and property of unwanted creatures that could be wreaking havoc on it.

Cost Effective Solution

What you may not realize is that the use of this type of professional pest control can be far more affordable than you expected. If you try to handle a flea infestation on your own, for example, chances are good you will spend more than if a professional came to the home. You would need to purchase chemicals to kill the infestation and medications for pets. You would struggle to keep things washed and clean so that flea eggs do not develop. If you add to that the number of treatments necessary and you could find yourself overwhelmed by the costs. On the other hand, one treatment from a professional may all that is necessary.

It's Safer Too

Another reason to turn to professionals is a simple fact that it is safer to do so. It is often far safer to turn to a professional for help with controlling pests than trying to handle them yourself. You could be bite by a larger critter. You could face the risk of an infestation getting out of control. You could also be putting your children in danger. Concerns such as bedbugs, ants and flying insects could be affecting the health of your children. With the aid of a professional, you can get the problem under control fast.

Protect Your Home

Often, it is a good idea to have a professional out to the home on an annual basis. That's because you may not have any idea just how invasive and worrisome the infestation can be. In fact, if you are seeing the presence of pests, this may indicate that the population is out of control. This is true for a variety of insects including termites. The problem is, though, you may have no idea how much damage the pests have done to the structural components of your home.

Pest control is something to leave in the hands of a professional whenever it is possible to do so. Not only does it save you money and time, but it also can help to prevent a small problem from becoming a large infestation that you cannot control easily. Find a local provider to come to your home and treat your situation without delay.

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Monday, January 13, 2020

Pest Control in the Workplace

This video lists the most common workplace pests and suggests what action you can take to tackle any pest problems in your office.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Truth About Clothes Moths

The common “clothes moth”, “clothing moth” or to give its street name, Tineola bisselliella, doesn’t actually eat clothes. In fact, clothing moths don’t even possess the ability to eat- they don’t have a mouth. Once they become a moth, rather than waste their time eating, they simply mate, the female lays her eggs, and then they die at some point. Meaning the most damage to your clothes you could realistically expect from an adult clothing moth is a stain if you go postal on one with a newspaper.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Why Do Cockroaches Even Exist?

Roaches are more than just pests that crawl around our homes. Here's how they are actually beneficial and even essential to the environment.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Pest Control Can Keep Bugs and Rodents Out of Your Property

Do you have a cockroach problem in your home? Have you noticed mice, rats, or insects in or around your property? If you've got an insect or rodent problem on your property, you may need professional pest control to resolve this issue. This process involves minimizing or completely removing a variety of rodents, insects, and other unwanted visitors from homes and places of business. The process typically necessitates the use of pesticides to ride the property of these unwanted critters. While many property owners will choose to tackle the issue on their own, oftentimes it is better left to a team of professionals to do the job right.

The pest control process often utilizes a number of techniques to rid properties of roaches, rats, bed bugs, termites, and a variety of other pesky critters. It is essential that the property owner keep the building as clean as possible to deter pests from invading, and it is also common and sometimes helpful to use tactics such as store-bought products to eliminate the issue. These tactics can be quite useful and even effective, but many times the issue is just too serious to be properly treated on your own. When over the counter traps and poisons aren't working, it may be a good idea to hire a team of professional pest control experts to come in and eliminate the issue for good.

Professional exterminators can use a number of effective tools and methods to eliminate bugs and rodents from your home or business. They can address the presence of these unwanted guests, and they can take measures to prevent them from returning to the property. It is essential for property owners to do everything they can to infestation by these critters. These measures may include keeping the property clean and free of clutter, and ensuring that there are no cracks in the property for insects and rodents to enter.

Pest control is meant to keep pesky, unwanted visitors such as roaches, mice, rats, termites, ants and other critters from spaces in which people inhabit. Taking action as soon as possible is beneficial for a variety of reasons. You can prevent or property destruction done by insects such as termites from getting any worse. You can also reduce the chances of contracting any illnesses that these vermin can often spread. Whether you have seen insects of rodents in or around your area, or you just want to make sure you do not have an issue, make sure you take the precautions necessary to keep your space protected from these unwanted visitors.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

Let the old year end and the New Year begin with the warmest of aspirations. Happy New Year!