Sunday, December 29, 2019

What's Inside An Anthill?

When you look at a fire ant hill — or mound as it’s properly called — you’re actually seeing just the top of an enormous underground structure: the ant’s nest. Inside, a vast network of tunnels and chambers plunge up to 2 meters into the soil. Ants ferry their young up and down these tunnels to keep them at the best temperature to grow.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

What Can an Exterminator Do for You?

An exterminator is a professional to call when you are dealing with pests of any sort. The fact is any type of infestation can go from being a nuisance to being a long-term problem if you do not take care of it right away. The good news is that there are plenty of options available to help you with this. You should not put off getting the help you need to bring the infestation back under control, or even to get rid of it altogether. Do you think you need a professional? If you think you can just handle the problem yourself, think again. It may be more of a problem than you realize.

Find the Source

One of the most important things that an exterminator will do is to find the source of the problem. If you have ants in your home, they may be coming from the neighbor's yard. They could be coming from the woodpile outside your home. Once the source is located, the next step can begin. That is to get rid of the pests at this location so that you stop the infestation from occurring.

Pinpoint Damage

Did you know that many types of pests do more than just annoy you? Some of them carry diseases and can be deadly to come in contact with. Others actually do damage to your home. If you are like many people, you don't crawl around in your attic often and you may not realize that the mice have destroyed the wiring or the raccoons have gotten into the insulation. A professional can spot all of the potential problems so you can take care of them properly. Some situations, such as termites eating away at the wood structure of your home, can be extremely serious if left untreated.

Treat the Problem Safely

There are both eco-friendly and chemically based products on the market for dealing with pests. It is up to you and your exterminator to determine the best possible solution for getting rid of the problem. One thing is for certain, though: with the aid of these professionals, you can cut down on the risk of your children or pets getting sick because of the chemicals you are using. They will also handle the problem safely, so that pests are kept away from you and your family.

No matter how large or small the infestation is, it is a good idea to call a professional to manage it. An exterminator can help you to get rid of the problem and find a long-term solution, and ultimately can give you your house back.

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Monday, December 23, 2019

Why You Should Hire a Pest Control Service

Many people try to fight bugs using store-bought chemicals, only to lose the battle in the long run. If you're having problems with insects, a pest control service can get rid of the issue once and for all. These are just a few of the reasons why you should go with a professional rather than try and handle an infestation on your own.


A pest control service may cost you hundreds of dollars each year, but that amount is only a fraction of what you'll pay if carpenter ant colonies or termites are allowed to do damage to your home. You could be looking at several thousands of dollars in repairs and structural problems that possibly cannot be fixed. A professional will conduct regular inspections of your property and take care of any problems before serious issues can occur.

Customized Plans

Whether you are treating an older home or trying to protect a new one, a pest control service can provide you with a plan that will meet your exact needs. A professional will take several factors into consideration when recommending the plan that is best for you, including the size of your home, the level of infestation that has occurred, and what methods will best bring about long-term prevention.


Technicians undergo extensive training in how their products work and how to safely place them inside and outside of a home. Several companies have turned to environmentally friendly sprays that are safe for humans and pets. This is in stark contrast to the dangerous chemicals you can find at your local store.

In addition, professionals also know how to safely attack potentially dangerous areas such as beehives and wasps' nests. A novice could easily disturb a hive, for instance, and cause a swarm that could result in serious injuries. If you have an infestation of mice and don't know how to properly eliminate it, you could unknowingly allow them to scatter and spread potentially severe diseases.


It can be a hassle to try and find places where bugs are gathering and eliminate them. If you don't want to spend your entire day trying to play the role of an exterminator, let a professional handle it. Most pest control service companies will work around your schedule, allowing you to focus on things you'll actually enjoy doing. Professionals will also continue to monitor your property and re-treat any problem areas should an infestation unexpectedly return.

When you call a pest control company, you can rest easy knowing that you and your family will be protected from infestations for months at a time. You won't have to waste money on harmful chemicals, and you'll get quality, guaranteed service that will rid your home of unwanted visitors.

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Friday, December 20, 2019

Top Reasons Why Cockroaches Need To Be Kept Aside From Our Homes

Grossed out by the sight of the reddish-brown insect? With the existence dated back to about the pre-historic era, cockroaches are the only insects that have survived through 70 million years and will survive through nuclear explosions.

The human and cockroach association has often been remarkable. These insects have adopted through the times since humans lived in a cave, till the date we moved to skyscrapers. Actually, cockroaches are seen in the daylight, only when they are sick, or the place is too crowded for them.

They are not only contributors to fear of diseases and social embarrassment, crawling on your sink, running down the pipe hole, resting in the corners of your fridge, and running down the pipe hole. Your family health can be further deteriorated if these vectors or carriers of diseases somehow come into contact with any of the stuff affecting your health.

1. Contamination of food - Cockroaches can survive on anything virtually. They survive on dead plants, animals, glue, soap, leather, paper, fecal matter along with strands of hair. Defecating on open food is their regular habit, leaving hair and dead skin behind while depositing eggs on them.

2. Disease-causing bacteria inoculation - When the feeding cockroaches eject their saliva and other germs on the food items, it is supposed to have effects on your health. This is said to be causing a range of digestive problems, sepsis, and urinary tract infections.

3. Body part invasions - Your body parts can also be invaded by cockroaches while you are in your sleep. They may enter your body through your nose and ears while you are in deep slumber. Body orifices can also be invaded by some of these pests.

4. Poisoning of food - It has been found after research that infestations by cockroaches can cause a number of diseases. Salmonella is another type of bacterium carried by these pests that can cause a huge range of diseases.

5. Allergies - The saliva secreted by the cockroaches can cause a number of allergies, which include skin rashes, watery eyes, and sneezing.

6. Asthma - Asthma attack ratios have been seen to have increased to the double in case your home is cockroach infested. Severe complications can life-threatening diseases can be avoided, if the cockroach allergens are kept in check.

Weekly cleaning and a few other regulations will help you keep cockroach infestations and problems caused by them in check. Ensure you maintain them for a healthy family.

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How Spiders Use Electricity to Fly | Decoder

Can spiders fly? When you think of the greatest aviators in the natural world, you probably think of the usual winged suspects like birds, bees, and butterflies. But some of the earth's eight-legged creatures also have specialized ways of soaring through the skies—no wings necessary.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Professional Pest Control Services

Are you in need of a Professional Pest Control service?

Even if we take the maximum amount of precaution and try to keep the house and office clean, as time passes by pests do try to enter the house and bother us and create embarrassment for us. Pests can sometimes be very bothersome, and they can also be the root for health hazards in the family and among the office staff. It is beyond our control to keep them away from our homes and office as they find a way to get in and dwell inside our buildings. There are so many different types of pests, and the building can be infected by more than one type of pest at a time. There are different methods to control each type of pest, and it is not possible for us to control it all by our self. Moreover, we will never be able to manage it as good pest control service professionals as they have specific equipment and chemicals needed to remove the pests.

Cockroaches are the most annoying pests because they can creep in the living room while you are entertaining your guests. Some people have a sensitivity to cockroach allergens; it is especially more in children below five years. The cockroach allergen can spread through its droppings, saliva, or its decomposing body. It can lead to severe asthma conditions in those with sensitivity to it. A cockroach can survive anywhere and hence it can spread so many different types of bacteria and parasites which is unimaginable. They also carry dangerous pathogens like E. coli and salmonella. They can spread it wherever they move, from the dirtiest environment to the most sterile environment like an operation theater, it can spread its dangers, and that is why professional pest control service is needed.

Bed bugs are another type of pest that is difficult to get rid of. They are not easy to access as they hide in nooks and crannies of the beds and other furniture. Even if you get rid of them, they still leave back their eggs, which are difficult to detect. So while you think you got rid of them, it is just a matter of time, and you will be bothered again. Although they might not spread any disease, their bites can cause allergy to many, and it can cause redness and itchiness in the bitten areas. They can also lead to sleeplessness because of their bites. These bed bugs can easily be spread to other places through bags, shoes, clothes, and people. Hence, it is important to get rid of these uses professional service.

Termites are those pests, which you most likely wouldn't know were there until you start seeing swarmers on a wooden surface in your house. They survive on the wood, and that is their home. You will not even have a guess that your house is infested by them until the wooden structures in your house have become weak or until you see the swarmer flying around to the wooden surface. It is very difficult to know how deep into the wood they have spread, and, therefore, it is the job of professionals to identify it and eradicate it.

Rodents are another form of the pest which can spread disease in the house or office. They can enter the building through any cracks or by burrowing their way in. Once they enter the house, they can gnaw through the cloth, wood, paper, cardboard or anything. It is very distressing to see them run around and ruin your stuff. Their droppings can also cause allergy among household people. Nothing is safe when a rodent is on the loose inside the house. They also multiply faster. Hence, professionals are needed to locate them and remove them entirely from the building. Professionals will also be able to educate you on how to do early identification of these rodents.

Other pests are ants and flies. Ants are social insects, and if you spot one, that means many more are nearby. They can contaminate food. Flies are also known to contaminate food and surfaces, and they can spread several pathogens which can cause disease in human beings.

Hence a regular pest control service by professionals is necessary to keep your house and office safe and also keep yourself and your family members healthy.

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

How Do Insects Survive the Winter?

Birds fly south, humans bundle up, but what do insects do to survive the winter? From creating antifreeze-like alcohols to burrowing in the ground, bugs have a few solutions to carry on.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Why Are There So Many Insects? - Murry Gans

If insects suddenly morphed into large beings and decided to wage war on us, there’s no doubt that humans would lose. There are an estimated 10 quintillion individual insects on earth, outnumbering humans by more than a billion to one. So what’s their secret to success? Murry Gans details the reasons behind insect abundance.

Lesson by Murry Gans, animation by Echo Bridge Pictures.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Why Fleas Are So Hard To Kill

Fleas are incredible jumpers, but their talents don’t stop there. With the ability to sense warmth and vibrations, they're perfectly adapted to find blood-filled mammals like dogs and cats. What they do next will give you chills — and hopefully, nothing more.

If you're having a problem with fleas in your home then give the professionals at American Pest Management a call! 
Serving the Greater Eugene & Springfield Oregon areas. 

Friday, November 29, 2019

Dealing with Mice in the Winter

When it comes to mice, the old saying goes it's better to keep them out than to get them out. Either way, if they get into your home this winter, they can be dealt with.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

This Ant Moves Faster Than Any Animal on Earth | Nat Geo Wild

The jaws of the Dracula ant (Mystrium camillae) go from 0 to 200 miles per hour in 15 microseconds.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pest Control Specialists Can Prevent Skin Irritation, Embarrassment, and Sleepless Nights

Pest control professionals are widely known for tackling the issue of unwanted insects. Although many of the bugs that enter into people's homes and businesses are harmless, they are still understandably unwelcome. There are some people, however, who choose to handle the situation on their own with the use of different types of insect spray and bug repellants. Unfortunately, some of these people find themselves having to pull out their spray consistently for persistent pests. Not only can professionals handle this issue, but there are also several other reasons why reaching out for specialists' help is in your best interest.

Pesticide Usage

Along with conventional bug spray, many people are now turning to do-it-yourself concoctions and choosing to take matters into their own hands. Pesticides can work wonders when used correctly. On the contrary, when misused these toxins can cause all sorts of problems, such as skin, eye, and throat irritation. It's important for people to allow pest control professionals to come in and properly apply the mixture. Not only do they know exactly where to spray, but they also know just the right amount to use.

Itchiness and Irritation

Because specialists have a higher success rate when dealing with unwanted insects, homeowners and business owners usually don't have to worry about recurring issues, especially if ordering scheduled treatments. On the other hand, amateur work can leave people vulnerable to constant insect invasions, as well as bug bites. Even if the bites don't pose a health threat, they can still be irritating to people's skin and nerves. For instance, having to wake up throughout the night with itchy skin can not only be annoying, but it can cause people to lose sleep.

Prevent Embarrassment

The bites and irritation that come from unwanted pests can be enough to make anyone cringe. However, the embarrassment of insect sightings can be just as troublesome. Many people associate bugs in a home or business with uncleanliness. A home can be beautifully decorated, but as soon as roaches or spiders appear, it's as if nothing else matters. Of course, people can have insect issues due to things outside of their control. Unfortunately, some people aren't able to look past the bugs. And no matter what the homeowner may say, their explanation can sometimes fall on deaf ears.

Save Money

Some people believe they are saving money by choosing to take matters into their own hands. However, because of the amount of trial and error usually involved, they end up spending more than they budgeted. This is why it's so important for people to rely on pest control specialists to help fix their insect issues. Not only can they help save people money, but they can also protect them from the effects of harmful toxins, unnecessary embarrassment, and sleepless nights.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Searching for Pest Control Services: Seven Things Everyone Should Do

When it comes to your home or business, pesky bugs can make things unpleasant. Choosing a pest control specialist can be frustrating and expensive if you don't choose the right one. Here's a look at six things you should know about finding an exterminator:

1. Ask Around and Read the Reviews

Simply asking neighbors and colleagues might be the way to go. As a general rule, ask someone you trust to refer you. You can also use various online sources to read reviews and comments about different companies.

2. Set a Budget and Shop Around

Pest control services can be expensive, especially if severe damage to your property has occurred. Having an appropriate budget will allow you to narrow down your selection and motivate negotiation. Most companies offer a free estimate, so be sure to get price estimates from several different companies for cost comparisons.

3. Stay Local

Although major pest control companies may seem like the best choice, that isn't always the case. Using a local specialist in your area is a great option. A local exterminator will understand the area and climate. In addition, they will most likely give you an accurate account of the problem and determine a better solution.

4. Communicate the Scope of Your Needs

One of the most important components of finding someone to fix your bug problem is clear, concise communication. Give them specific details about the problem, where it is, and any other solutions you have already tried. This will help your specialist determine the right treatment and the tools they will need.

5. Make Sure They Are Licensed

Depending on where you live, the qualifications for being a pest control specialist may be different. When choosing the right fit for the job, do a little digging and make sure that their license and insurance is valid.

6. Read the Service Agreement Before You Sign

Before treating your property, ask to see the service agreement. Read it carefully. There can sometimes be hidden fees that you didn't know about. Be sure to get a copy of the agreement to keep on file. It is advisable to walk through the property with the professional so that he or she can explain the process in detail.

7. Make Your Search Easy by Taking Precautions

No one ever intentionally brings bugs and critters onto their property, and searching for an exterminator can be frustrating. Taking preventative measures can help you avoid the search. In eating and storage areas, always put food items away in sealed containers. It's also important to ensure that your home is properly sealed. This includes adding screens on your windows and doors and checking around the property for any damage in the foundation.

When it comes to preventing a bug problem, there isn't a perfect science. Pest maintenance is an integral part of being a property owner. Finding a specialist that you can work with and trust to alleviate the problem can be hard. Once you find someone you can trust, build and maintain that relationship!

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Sunday, November 17, 2019

5 Reasons to Hire a Pest Control Company

Highly rated exterminators can proactively treat the exterior of your home to prevent pests from becoming a problem indoors or out. (Photo courtesy of member Margaret G. of Cheshire, Connecticut)

Anyone who's ever seen an ant scurry across their kitchen floor or watched a spider dangle from their living room ceiling knows that cohabitation with pests is a problem.

Pest infestations can damage your property, create an uncomfortable atmosphere for your family and, in some cases, contaminate your home.

The quickest and most effective method of eliminating unwanted pests? It's not at the hardware store. For lasting, safe extermination you should hire a professional pest control service to treat your home for the unwanted insects, spiders or animals.

Your health

Beyond being creepy, pests can carry harmful diseases and hazardous bacteria that can expose your family members to illness. For instance, cockroaches carry E coli and salmonella on their bodies and can also cause or intensify health problems related to allergies and asthma.

Tick bites can cause Lyme disease, which is a dangerous condition often associated with symptoms such as rashes, severe fatigue and extreme illness.

Ants can contaminate your food, and bees or wasps can cause injuries and trigger dangerous allergic reactions.

Fortunately, even before calling an exterminator, there are some things you can do to make your home unappealing to bugs.

Identify, eliminate pests

Most pest control companies can eliminate many different types of pests, including spiders, rodents and all sorts of insects — ants, bees, cockroaches, fleas, termites and wasps.

Different types of baits and chemicals are required to extract and eliminate different types of pests. A licensed pest control technician will know the safe and proper dosages of these chemicals to apply and when and where to apply them.

A significant benefit of hiring a pest control service is that the professionals have the training and experience to identify the types of pests infiltrating your property and determine how best to eliminate them. The companies can eradicate certain pests by using poisoned bait, bait that leads into a trap or various chemicals. Some pest control companies specialize in organic or green pest control.

Live bee-trapping and relocation is becoming more common as more people recognize the buzzing insects' role in food production and pollination.

Finding the source

Professionals can maximize the effect of a pest control treatment by also locating the source of the infestation.

If you eliminate the pests but don't find the source attracting them to your home, more infestations are likely. Pest control companies can determine the cause of your problem, find the specific source and eliminate it to prevent future infestations.

Sources might include egg batches, garbage, nests, plants, soil, pet food or particular areas in your walls.


A professional pest control company can provide quicker and more effective results than if you tried to fix the infestation yourself. Because of their experience and chemicals that may not be readily available to consumers, they can quickly implement extermination plans and efficiently eliminate all pests in a relatively short amount of time.

Most companies can complete pest control treatment services within one to six hours, while larger problems that require fumigation can take up to a week.

Avoiding damage

The cost to hire a pest control company may even save you money over time.

Many pests and rodents can damage your home — destroying carpets, clothes, foundations, floors, furniture, rugs or walls. This can eventually force you to repair the damage or pay to have it fixed.

Paying a licensed professional to eradicate the pest infiltration quickly and effectively can protect your property.

Treatment costs

The exact price of pest control treatment depends on the type of pest, the size of your property, the severity of the problem and the professional you hire.

Angie's List members reported spending an average of $214 on exterior pest control treatments and $145 on interior treatments in 2013. The average price for most pest control services ranges from about $100 to $250. However, larger termite problems that require fumigation can be more expensive, averaging from $1,000 to $3,000.

You can also contract with exterminators to proactively treat your property at periodic intervals during the year to ensure your home remains pest-free all year long. The average price for periodic treatment typically ranges from $30 to $70 per month or per quarter.

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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cockroach Infestation - Why They are Dangerous?

Learn the dangers of a cockroach infestation in this video.

Are you having issues with cockroaches or other pests in your home? 
Call American Pest Management - We can help! 
 Serving the Greater Eugene & Springfield Oregon areas Since 1980 

Monday, November 11, 2019

What Do Earwigs Do With Those Pincers Anyway? | Deep Look

Earwigs are equipped with some pretty imposing pincers on their rear, and they're not afraid to use them. But when it comes to these appendages, size isn't everything.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Professional Pest Control Makes For the Best Results

Having pests at home can be a major issue and every homeowner has to address the issue of pest control at some time or the other. These creatures can be cockroaches, rats, ants, spiders, flies; the list is a very long one indeed. Depending on which ones you have in your home, you will have to face damage to property or health issues of a very serious nature. Most pests are perfectly adapted to living along with human beings and they can be very difficult to deal with.

It is definitely very tempting to try to take care of pest control on your own. After all, who amongst us wouldn't want to save a bit of money? However, you might discover very soon that dealing with these creatures is far beyond your capabilities. A professional pest management company will be able to do a far better job than you because of the following reasons:

1. A professional will be able to identify exactly which species of pest has infested your home. For instance, when it comes to rats and cockroaches alone, there are many different types of each. You'll need to formulate a solution that matches the problem exactly.

2. Professionals make use of specialized equipment and products to get rid of the creatures that infest a home. Some of the products used are dangerous to humans and have to be used with a great deal of care.

3. Pest management experts will also be able to locate the cause of the problem and take the necessary steps to control it. This is very important to prevent recurrence of the animal menace.

It is very clear that professional pest control makes for the best results. It will indeed cost you a bit of money but you will benefit greatly in the long term. Your home will be a better place to live in and you won't have to be embarrassed in front of your guests because of an animal infestation problem. Further, the value of your property will be maintained to the greatest extent possible.

It goes without saying that you have to hire the best possible pest control company to deal with this problem. Be sure to locate one that has plenty of experience in this field. A long term contract will work best because it is advisable for you to get your home checked for pests at least twice a year.

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Saturday, November 2, 2019

5 Fascinating Facts About Rats

You are probably familiar with rats because they live pretty much everywhere. But here are 5 facts you DIDN’T know about our furry rodent friends!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Why You're A Mosquito Magnet

If you’ve ever felt like a mosquito magnet, while your friends are totally ignored, you might be right. Female mosquitoes —which are the only ones that actually suck blood— favor some people more than others. In his book, THE MOSQUITO, Timothy Winegard explores what factors make you so attractive, including your blood type, what deodorant you might be using, and even if you’re a beer-drinker!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

3 Insects That Will Run Your Life If You Don't Use Pest Control

No matter where you live, unwanted bugs and vermin have the potential to annoy you and even cause health problems. Bites and stings from certain insects can be dangerous either due to allergies or venom in the affected area. You might think that you can root out the problem yourself with over-the-counter products and a little bit of elbow grease. This strategy might work for a while, but your problem will return. Get quality pest control services. They are experts at safely finding and exterminating a large list of infestations. These services also offer regular maintenance through house visits to root out your bugs for good. Let's view some common infestations these exterminators can deftly handle.


These are quite possibly the most repulsive of all the vermin. They are highly adaptive creatures, which make them very hard to exterminate. On top of this, they reproduce at a rapid rate and are nocturnal, so you could have a serious roach infestation and not even know about it. They can survive without eating food for over a month and will eat glue, shoe linings, and other dead insects. If you have children, these vile creatures can also cause asthma problems in the event of a very serious infestation. Get the exterminators out to your house and rid yourself of roaches!

Bed Bugs

These tiny little bugs will crawl into your bed sheets and couches, and they bite hard enough to draw blood. Despite the fact that they ingest our blood, these insects are not known to pass diseases on to humans. If they do find their way into your home, you will need to have your whole house exterminated; simply throwing away an affected mattress or couch is not sufficient. Get professional pest control to your residence to effectively rid your house of these vermin. Bed bugs can survive for up to one year without feeding, and once they do feed, the females will lay around 200 eggs almost immediately. So be warned: where there is one, there are many.


These pesky insects can cause some serious structural damage to your residence. They won't be much of a nuisance to you, and you probably won't even be able to see them either, since most termites that affect residences in the United States are subterranean dwellers. These creatures tunnel up from the ground looking for dead or rotting wood. If they cannot find these sources of food, they are happy to snack on your home. Their infestations can number in the millions, and termites are particularly dangerous because you may not even see them at all. If you notice small holes near your trees or in your basement, you should immediately contact your pest control professionals before you sustain serious structural damage to your home.

These are but a few of the vermin that quality pest control services will be able to exterminate. Get in touch with your local exterminator to find out how they can help you and protect your home.

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Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Need Of Pest Control And The Importance Of Professional Pest Control Services

People wish they never have to deal with pests, but the sad fact is that these pesky little creatures have invaded an astounding number of personal and business properties all over the U.S. It is quite common to find termites, cockroaches, rodents, bugs, ticks, spiders, fleas and many other pests in homes. These insects are also rampant in the food, hospitality, agriculture, construction, and other important industries.

Need for Pest Control
The main reason why pest control is indispensable is the threat to human, plant and animal health posed by the pests. Almost all pests are carriers of some disease or the other and have even been known to cause severe epidemics and massive agricultural destruction. Apart from destroying valuable food supply, causing death and serious health problems such as allergic reaction, the pests also lead to serious property damage. Pests like termites can eat away huge wooden structures and render them hollow and useless.

Almost everyone is revolted by these pests. In fact, the mere sight of a pest scurry around on a property is enough to turn you off and question the hygiene maintained at the place.

Professional Pest Control Services
Needless to say, pest control is something you cannot do without. However, it is a specialized service that you cannot manage on your own. The professional services of a pest control company have to be hired if you want to rid your residential or commercial property of pests.

Locating the pests and eradicating them involves the use of special products and equipment that these companies have. Their technicians are trained in the use of these solutions and equipment in a safe manner. With their extensive knowledge of the different types of pests, they are able to identify the places of pest infestation and decide upon the best extermination plan to use for solving the problem. Their services are focused not only on one-time pest removal but on minimizing the chances of future infestations as well.

If you are interested in periodic pest treatment of your property as a preventive measure, the pest control companies can handle it too.

Pest invasions can cause you great discomfort, physical harm, and financial loss. It makes sense to engage a knowledgeable, experienced and reliable professional to deal with the issue. If you are interested in knowing about the pest control companies servicing your area, you can log on to a local business directory and get all the required information.

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Monday, October 21, 2019

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Inside The Ant Colony - Deborah M. Gordon

Ants have one of the most complex social organizations in the animal kingdom; they live in structured colonies that contain different types of members who perform specific roles. Sound familiar? Deborah M. Gordon explains the way these incredible creatures mate, communicate and source food, shedding light on how their actions can mimic and inform our own behavior.

Lesson by Deborah M. Gordon, animation by Steve Belfer Creative Inc.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Tips for Selecting a Pest Control Service

How do we select a competent pest control service?
First of all, many of us as homeowners, renters and landlords can control household pests through a combination of preventive measures, including proper sanitation and good home maintenance practices. However, some pest infestations may be extensive, or a particular pest may be difficult to control, requiring the services of a pest control company.

You should select a pest control company the way you do any other service - Look for Quality and Value. Costs and competency are important. When selecting a pest control service, cost should not be the only factor that determines the company you pick. It is important to make sure the pest control company you choose is competent. If pesticides are misused, both health and property can be damaged. Before contracting with a pest control company, consider the following:

Take Your Time/Do Your Homework
When most people discover a pest problem, they want the problem eliminated immediately. However, most problems can wait a few days so you have time to select a competent, reasonably priced company. It is wise to obtain several estimates from prospective companies. Most companies will provide free estimates.

Questions to Ask a Prospective Pest Control Firm

How many years have you been in business at your present address?
Contact organizations such as the Better Business Bureau, the States Departments of Agriculture, or the States Attorney General’s Office, or the EPA to determine if complaints have been filed against the company or its applicators for misusing pesticides.

Would you provide me with a list of references?
Contact several references to find out if they are satisfied with the service provided by the pest control company.

Will the person(s) performing the services be a certified, licensed pesticide applicator or a licensed technician? Each company must have at least one certified, licensed commercial pesticide applicator in the proper service category. Other company applicators must be certified applicators or licensed technicians under the direct supervision of an certified applicator.

Licenses may be verified by calling the various State Departments of Agriculture.

Would you provide me with a copy of your pest control license, copies of the labels for all pesticides used and the rates at which they will be applied?
Reliable applicators will show you their credentials and will be able to provide you with copies of pesticide labels that indicate how the product should be applied, including the proper application rates, and the necessary precautions.


  • Want to do pest control as part of a package deal, such as general home repair or tree trimming or that will give you a special price if treatment is done immediately.
  • Don’t have a listed or working telephone number.
  • Sell services door-to-door or target the elderly or infirm persons who live alone. CHECK THEIR IDENTIFICATION AND CREDENTIALS!!!
  • Arrive unexpectedly and show you insects they have found in your neighbors house as evidence of a neighborhood problem.
  • Quote a per-gallon price. Termite control can require several hundred gallons of diluted insecticide.
  • Claim to have a secret formula. All pesticide products must be registered by the U.S. EPA and the States Departments of Agriculture. Registered pesticide labels contain a list of active ingredients.
  • Try to pressure you into immediately signing a contract by suggesting your house is structurally unsound and may collapse if not treated.
  • Claim to have excess material left over from a previous job and offer a reduced price for immediate treatment.
  • Claim to be endorsed by the States Departments of Agriculture, the U.S. EPA or other government agency. Government agencies DO NOT endorse any service company or specific pesticide product.

More Points to Consider

Some pest control companies offer service contracts in which structures are routinely treated for a particular pest. Contracts may be necessary in some situations such as warehouses that receive crates often infested with cockroaches. In general, routine pesticide applications in and around your home are not good unless there is a constant infestation by a pest and non-chemical methods have failed to control the pest. Service contracts for the homeowner should include periodic inspections, but pesticides should not be applied unless the pests are actually present and cannot be controlled by other means.

Generally, it is customary for termite control work to be guaranteed from one to five years. Make sure you know what the guarantee covers and determine if there is a yearly inspection charge. In addition, find out if the pest control company is responsible for structural damage if the treatment fails to control the termite infestation. The guarantee is only as reliable as the company that offers it.

If the service person asks you to do certain things before, during or after the pesticide application, cooperate and follow instructions. For example:

  • If the service person asks you to remove personal items from the floor, empty kitchen cabinets and remove pets, make sure you have done this before they arrive.
  • Do not allow children or pets into treated areas until the pesticide spray has dried.
  • Aquariums should be removed from the treatment site or covered with heavy plastic and the air pump turned off.
  • Remove all other household pets from the treatment area.
  • If the service person suggests non-chemical methods of pest control in addition to the pesticides, be sure to follow the instructions.

Good cooperation between you and the pest control company will help eliminate pests and reduce pesticide use.

Pesticides are inherently toxic and may cause health problems and/or damage to the environment if used in a manner inconsistent with the label directions. Certain pesticides may pose greater risks than others. To determine the pesticide that best fits your needs, contact your local University Extension Service.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Cockroaches Survive Squeezing, Smashing, and More | National Geographic

Have you ever wondered why cockroaches are so hard to get rid of? Well, now scientists have put them before a series of obstacles to find out how tough they really are—and the results are creepier than you imagined. Whether squeezing through tiny crevices, running in tight spaces, or taking crushing blows, cockroaches use their flexible exoskeletons to survive your foot stomps and quickly make their way through the cracks and crevices of your home.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

See How Easily a Rat Can Wriggle Up Your Toilet | National Geographic

A rat's ribs are hinged at the spine, enabling it to easily squeeze through the tightest spaces—like the pipes draining your toilet. And rats are great swimmers too; they can hold their breath for up to three minutes. See how quickly a rat can go from the city streets to your bathroom.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Bugs in Your Home? Tips from a Pest Control Expert

If you find a few ants marching along the wall in your kitchen, it may be time to call an exterminator. It can also mean that making a few changes to your environment will likely take care of your pesky issue.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Four Most Important Pest Control Tips to Protect Your Home

Many animals and bugs that a person finds around their home may be classified as undesirable pests. Several examples include ants, spiders, termites, wasps, roaches, and some rodents such as rats. A person that notices these creatures around the home should not take their presence lightly as they can be more than just a nuisance. These uninvited houseguests, while small in size, have the potential to cause extensive damage to property and can also cause diseases and allergies that can be life-threatening.

This is why it's important for a homeowner to consider several pest control practices to prevent an infestation. Critters will be less likely to be attracted to the home if garbage is properly closed off to them and disposed of regularly. A person can keep unwelcome animals from entering the home by sealing any cracks and gaps. As some creatures are attracted to water and moisture, a person should keep the home dry, cool, and free of any standing water.

Store Garbage Properly

Of course, a large portion of what you'll find in a garbage bag is leftover food and table scraps that were discarded after dinner. Unfortunately, animals such rats and ants are attracted to the leftover food, and they will shamelessly dig through garbage bags to scavenge for free and easy food. Keep garbage bags inside a sturdy a trash can, and keep it tightly latched with a secure lid. Trash should be kept a safe distance away from the home.

Seal Cracks and Holes in the Home

Unwelcome critters can easily sneak into the home through cracks and holes. Alternatively, if they find an opportunity to get inside the home through the doorway, they'll be able to search for holes to hide inside. There, they'll create a new home and breeding ground without the knowledge of the homeowner. As a result, creatures such as termites will cause damage to property and thousands of dollars in repair work.

If a person wants to achieve pest control to preserve their home or business, he or she should regularly check for gaps and holes. The cracks found on the outside of the home should be sealed. Any crevices around cabinets and baseboards can be sealed off with caulk, which can be purchased at a hardware store. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, steel wool can be used to fill spaces around pipes.

Prevent Standing Water and Moisture in the Home

Pesky critters are not so different from humans when it comes to basic needs. Like humans, they require water to stay alive. Termites are not only attracted to wood, but they also thrive on dampness and moisture. This is why it's highly crucial for a homeowner to eliminate any standing water, humidity, and moisture for maximum pest control. Homeowners should never hesitate to repair a leaky pipe. Basements, attics, and crawlspaces can easily become humid and moist, so remember to keep these areas dry and ventilated to prevent a potential breeding ground for ants, termites, rats, and roaches. Additionally, a dry and ventilated home can prevent mold.

Cleanliness is a Preventative Measure

A person can never go wrong with keeping the home organized and clutter-free. Need another reason to organize the basement or garage? It'll keep the pests away as it'll create an unfavorable environment for the unwelcome guests.

Animals love clutter. A person may see stacks of boxes and stacks of old newspapers and unused junk, but a rat would see hiding places and a potential spot to raise a family. Once they start to breed in these hiding spots, it will be hard to locate them and get rid of them effectively.

These four basic steps go a long way toward protecting a home against infestation.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Your Guide To Choosing A Reliable Pest Control Service Provider

Being an owner of a commercial building requires many tasks. You need to ensure that the quality of the building is maintained. Damages and other ruined items or areas in the establishment must be fixed or replaced to ensure safety. You also need to make sure that commercial buildings are pest free since pests may affect the durability of your building and harm many individuals' well-being. With this said, it is important to hire experts in commercial pest control. And to help you in choosing the best and the most reliable service provider, check out the following:

· Experience. It is important to determine their expertise. This is needed since pest control services when done wrong may worsen pest infestation. Therefore, you need to be sure that you hire experienced experts. One way of knowing their skills is to visit their website. A reliable pest control expert has a page review of where previous clients can share their experience with the experts' services.

· Equipment. You also need to assess their equipment. Surely, there is a lot of effective equipment available in the market. However, you also need to consider the chemicals they use to eliminate pests. Some experts make use of organic pest chemicals to ensure that your establishments are safe. In addition, it can also protect the health of the individuals in your building.

· Availability. You also need to ask about their schedule. Some pest control companies only provide services from Monday-to-Friday, which can affect your business performance. With this said, you need to ask about their schedule and get a reservation as early as possible.

· Price. Finally, you need to ask about their rates. Luckily, there are companies that offer discounts for senior-citizens or military personnel. With this discount, you can obtain the best pest control service at lower rates.

These are important factors you should take note of before you book for the services of a pest control expert. Although there are a lot of options to choose from in your area, it is always best to go with someone with experience, has the right tools and equipment, always available and offers a reasonable price for the services offered. Getting rid of different types of pests either at home or in the office can be really stressful and challenging but with the help of the right people, it can be an easy job, cost-effective and with great results.

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Saturday, September 21, 2019

Don't Bother Using These Tick Removal Methods | Consumer Reports

If you find a tick attached to your skin, it's important to remove it as soon as possible, which is why you shouldn't bother with these tick removal methods that are not recommended.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Leave It To The Professionals: Hiring Pest Control To Eradicate Pesky Vermin

Are there pesky, unwanted guests making themselves comfortable in your home? Get rid of them safely by hiring pest control experts. Be warned that while hardware stores sell do-it-yourself extermination kits, it's not always safe for non-professionals to attempt to exterminate or extricate pests themselves. You should call a professional to be sure that the job is done right, and the problem is completely rooted out at the source. Let's review some common infestations that may be plaguing your residence.


These insects are the most vile and difficult to root out of a home. They adapt to change very rapidly, leading most scientists to believe that in the event of a nuclear holocaust, cockroaches would be one of the few living creatures to survive. If you suspect a cockroach infestation in your home, do not delay calling in pest control professionals. Cockroaches can live for up to 200 days and they multiply very fast. A female cockroach will lay an egg case containing 50 to 60 eggs at a time, about six or seven times in a 200-day lifetime. Since these insects are nocturnal, you may not even know that you have a cockroach problem. It is extremely difficult to completely rid a residence of cockroaches, so the earlier you call the extermination experts the better.


Wasps are extremely dangerous when they form a hive. Be advised that it is not wise to attempt to exterminate a wasp hive on your own. Wasps, unlike bees, do not lose their stingers after the act of stinging. They are far more aggressive than your run-of-the-mill bees, as well. If you allow a hive to grow unchecked, you could be putting your life in mortal danger. Don't test your luck. Get pest control services to safely remove wasp nests that are larger than the size of a large softball.


These rodents are the most classic carrier of disease and nearly brought the entire world to its knees in the 1300s, with the black plague. Not only do they spread disease, but they also act as carriers for other pests like fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. These mammals are very clever and resourceful. It is essential that you hire a pest control service to eradicate them from your home. These experts will know how to identify and dispose of rat nests, which can be dangerous if stumbled upon by a young child.

Don't let vermin take control of your residence. Know when to call in the professionals!

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Friday, September 13, 2019

Pest Control - Find Out How to Prevent Infestations

If you are considering getting pest control services for your house, you should first think about what may have caused the bugs to be attracted to your home in the first place. Sometimes you can't help it, perhaps because they are just common in your area, or maybe close neighbors in an adjacent apartment have an infestation that carries over to yours. However, there are usually risk factors that you can prevent so that you are less likely to get bugs in the house.

You probably already know that garbage attracts unwanted visitors often. However, most people assume theirs is safe when it is put away, such as under the sink. If you have no lid or leave it open, though, you may still get pests like roaches, flies, ants, and more getting into it because they can smell it and have easy access to it. This may also lead to pests under your sink, eventually coming into the rest of your house. Try to cover your garbage to avoid this.

Make sure your house is sealed up well. Crawl spaces that are not well sealed, such as attics, and tiny holes in other areas of your home can invite bugs in. Some structures have holes or gaps that you cannot see because they are hidden down low under shelves or in linen closets, so inspect your house to make sure this is not the case. You will not only save money on pest control this way, but you may also save cash on your utility bills since less air will be coming in or leaving through the gaps.

Get rid of any wood piles or collections of old branches and shrubs, as pests can hang out in them. Carpenter ants and even termites may feel right at home in such areas and can end up entering your residence or causing extreme damage to it from the outside. If you need to keep piles of lumber to build a fire, store them away from the structure to avoid making it easy for insects to enter.

In general, you can avoid spending money on pest control by following these tips. You may end up having a problem anyway if there are circumstances not in your control, such as an infestation before you moved in, but you will know you at least tried. Such tips can also help you in the future after you get any current infestations taken care of.

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Monday, September 9, 2019

Why Ticks Are So Hard To Kill

Ticks are one pest you don’t want to mess with. Once they find a secluded spot on your skin, they use two hook-like structures to tear into your flesh. Then they insert a barbed straw and get to work. If that’s not bad enough, ticks also transmit at least 16 different diseases to humans, such as Lyme. And research suggests that several species of ticks — and the diseases they carry — are now spreading in the US.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Pest Control Benefits for Home Owners

Many homeowners employ pest control to manage different aspects of their homes. It is a reality that there are several kinds of nuisance animals and insects in residential and even commercial areas. These nuisance animals and insects come in different forms. Insects make up the bulk of what plagues many homeowners.

Common Nuisances

In residential areas, the most common kinds of insects and animals that need to be managed include, but are not limited to ants, termites, wasps, bees, cockroaches, raccoons, rats, moles and many others. Insects can basically enter and take over a house if they are left unchecked because they are small enough to fit in the many nooks and crannies in a structure. Pest control for insects is necessary because they can invade a house and stay in it unnoticed for several months, even years due to their small size and subversive movements. Termites can eat almost half of the structure before an unobservant homeowner will be aware of their presence. Ants are not as destructive as termites but they can be a nuisance because they can be anywhere. Cockroaches are dirty insects that carry disease and can multiply at an alarming rate while living in between walls and under cupboards and cabinets. Wasps and bees basically stay outside of the house but can be dangerous especially when there are some people who are allergic to their sting. Some species also tend to be aggressive when guarding their hives. Mosquitoes also pose a risk of contagious diseases for homeowners that live near places where they multiply and they are pesky creatures that can cause allergic reactions to those they bite.

Rodents are very common animals that plague a house. Rats, raccoons, moles and squirrels can be among these pests. They usually invade a house because they are in search of food. Birds can also be a nuisance for some homeowners because they also tend to go inside open windows and get anything that catches their fancy inside the house, from food to shiny items. Some birds also leave bird droppings in the place where they roost and these can be a source of smell and irritation for homeowners. Pest control is also necessary for some animals like snakes and spiders.


The benefits that homeowners get from contacting a pest control company for their needs include, but are not limited to, the professional know-how and services that the company can extend to their clients. These companies know the right methods and techniques for each kind of nuisance insect and animal. There are also many companies that practice humane treatment and disposal of the insects and animals that they manage. Another benefit of employing pest control companies to manage the problem is the safety that homeowners are assured of. Some people risk their health when they handle chemicals and other methods that should be handled by professionals only. Many of these companies also have the capacity to fumigate large areas for their clients.

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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Five Signs It's Time To Call An Exterminator

Most homeowners have dealt with minor pest problems in the past. The stray spider, the trapped fly, even the errant rodent are relatively easy to outwit. But when these unwanted guests join others of their ilk, they can prove a formidable foe. Whether insect or critter, any kind of infestation requires professional attention. Here are five unmistakable signs you need an exterminator ASAP.

1. Daytime Visits

Because most pests are nocturnal, they rarely venture out during the daylight. If you should spot a mouse, cockroach, or termite when the sun is up, there's a good chance your residence is infested. This goes double when the trespasser is an insect, such as an ant or cockroach, since rogue insects are often scouts searching for food; and where there are scouts, there's often a colony nearby. You might even be able to follow them back their home, which is often in a moist area like underneath the refrigerator.

2. Scratching Noises

Even if you don't believe in ghosts, scratching noises at night can give anyone a fright. More often than not, however, mice and other rodents are to blame for nighttime noises in your walls and ceilings. As we mentioned, these pests are nocturnal, which means they search for food at night. So all of that scratching and scurrying you hear is nothing more than hungry critters. Because rodents can multiply at incredible rates, it is important to contact an exterminator the morning after you hear nighttime scratching sounds.

3. Excrement

It should come as no surprise that pests have lousy bathroom habits. They leave their droppings wherever they please, hoping you won't find them. When it comes to insects, you might need to pull out your magnifying glass to spot them on your carpet or floor. Roach droppings, for example, are quite small and look a bit like ground pepper. Much easier to track are mouse dropping, which are, individually, about the size and general shape of a grain of rice. Because mice go number two several times a day (or night), their droppings should be easy to spot.

4. Strange Smells

If your home suddenly stinks, there's a good chance a rodent has died in some inaccessible space like the walls or heating ducts. The foul odor will not go away until the dead critter is removed by an exterminator. An insect infestation may also produce strange smells that can be overpowering in small spaces. Depending on the size of the colony, the smell may be somewhat musty or oily.

5. Bite Marks

If you have itchy red marks on your body after a good night's sleep, there's an excellent chance you're sleeping with several thousand guests. Bedbugs are pesky parasites that will feed on your blood for as long as you let them. Pest control professionals can easily eliminate these unwanted bunkmates in no time.

If you observe any of the aforementioned warning signs, contact an exterminator immediately.

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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Spiders of Oregon

What is lurking in your dreams, Oregonians? If it's creepy-crawly spiders, you don't really have much to fear. Yes, Oregon is full of them, but with a few exceptions, none pose a threat to humans. But knowing how to identify what you see just might come in handy, if you are the unlucky recipient of a rare spider bite.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Roach Control Might Be The Resolution To Pest Infestations

When the weather begins to get warmer outside there's nothing better than the smell of new fresh flowers and freshly cut grass. Many of us wait anxiously throughout the winter looking forward to the new and warmer seasons. Although there are countless aspects of warm weather to look forward to, there are also new pests that are hungry and ready to infest wherever there might be a source of food. One of the most repulsive and intrusive pests are cockroaches. Finding the right roach control is essential when it begins to warm up outside.

There are many breeds of this insect, all very annoying. They can be quite difficult to get rid of once they have found their preferred place to settle down which may include your home. These little critters are also well known to be survivors of just about anything. There is a common myth that if there were to be a nuclear disaster then roaches would be the last ones still alive, although it might not be completely factual it is very easy to imagine, as they are thought to be one of the oldest living creatures in existence and have been around for hundreds of millions of years. In addition to being pests, it is also a well-known fact that this creepy insect carries many types of bacteria, some of which can be harmful to humans, and this is one of the reasons that they often put off a very unpleasant scent. It is important to implement the best possible roach control strategy in order to get rid of these nuisances.

The reproduction methods of this species are very interesting and perhaps even startling for some people, though the methods depend on what the specific species is that has infested the given space. An American female will mate with the male thus fertilizing the egg, although some have been known to reproduce without the existence of a male role. Once the egg is fertilized it will take several months for the roach to mature. Most will live up to about a year, during which time they will lay many eggs and hide them in specific hidden locations. These little critters will feed on almost anything but they particularly like human food and pet food, which is why they are often known to infest kitchens.

Although they are known for eating out of the kitchen, they are also very tough and rugged insects and can survive off of very little to no food and continue to survive for a long time. Another scary thought is that other pests such as mice are sometimes attracted to roach droppings, so not only is an infestation annoying but they are also capable of creating other serious infestations. It is very important to contact a roach control specialist if you or someone you know has been experiencing an infestation. Not only are they intrusive but they can also be harmful to your health and the health of your family and pets.

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Friday, August 23, 2019

Why You Should Hire a Pest Control Service

Many people try to fight bugs using store-bought chemicals, only to lose the battle in the long run. If you're having problems with insects, a pest control service can get rid of the issue once and for all. These are just a few of the reasons why you should go with a professional rather than try and handle an infestation on your own.


A pest control service may cost you hundreds of dollars each year, but that amount is only a fraction of what you'll pay if carpenter ant colonies or termites are allowed to do damage to your home. You could be looking at several thousands of dollars in repairs and structural problems that possibly cannot be fixed. A professional will conduct regular inspections of your property and take care of any problems before serious issues can occur.

Customized Plans

Whether you are treating an older home or trying to protect a new one, a pest control service can provide you with a plan that will meet your exact needs. A professional will take several factors into consideration when recommending the plan that is best for you, including the size of your home, the level of infestation that has occurred, and what methods will best bring about long-term prevention.


Technicians undergo extensive training in how their products work and how to safely place them inside and outside of a home. Several companies have turned to environmentally friendly sprays that are safe for humans and pets. This is in stark contrast to the dangerous chemicals you can find at your local store.

In addition, professionals also know how to safely attack potentially dangerous areas such as beehives and wasps' nests. A novice could easily disturb a hive, for instance, and cause a swarm that could result in serious injuries. If you have an infestation of mice and don't know how to properly eliminate it, you could unknowingly allow them to scatter and spread potentially severe diseases.


It can be a hassle to try and find places where bugs are gathering and eliminate them. If you don't want to spend your entire day trying to play the role of an exterminator, let a professional handle it. Most pest control service companies will work around your schedule, allowing you to focus on things you'll actually enjoy doing. Professionals will also continue to monitor your property and re-treat any problem areas should an infestation unexpectedly return.

When you call a pest control company, you can rest easy knowing that you and your family will be protected from infestations for months at a time. You won't have to waste money on harmful chemicals, and you'll get quality, guaranteed service that will rid your home of unwanted visitors.

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Monday, August 19, 2019

Largest Spider in the World - GIANT Tarantula | National Geographic

The largest spider in the world is on the hunt. But is it as dangerous as it seems? It depends on who it's after.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Answering Questions About Professional Pest Control

One mistake frequently made can be that professional pest control treatment is simply on an "as needed" basis. Most folks believe that they should only call in a pro pest killer when a problem arises. The truth can be that once there's an existing pest problem, the answer may be more than you thought might be involved. Additional concerns include the chemicals used, how successful the service will be, how long it will last and if the company is certified.

When you should use professional pest control

Put simply, prevention is the key to long-term control. One ought to use a professional service on a consistent basis to prevent an issue from arising in the first place. This will seem a little pricey, but it can and will save you a load of cash by preventing a pest from getting into the home.

For example, termites may cause substantial damage when they start feasting on the lumber in your home. Flooring could fall through, walls may buckle and decks may collapse from termite damage. The fact is that once termites get going, the harm is already done by the time you detect it. Prevention would have saved you all that anguish and money.

Are the chemicals safe?

In the past, that was not as much a factor as it can be these days. For that reason, chemicals and pesticides may have gotten a bad reputation. Nowadays, the chemicals are environmentally safe by mandate. It is true that they may be toxic, but from an environmental standpoint, they are safe and sound.

How effective is a treatment and how long can it last?

This issue is only answered by calling an area pest control company and asking. Make sure to ask if they have a steady routine of preventive treatment and how often it needs to be completed. Typically, applications are performed two times a year, possibly three based on the particular company being used. Keep in mind that prevention is meant to avoid expensive damage which arises with a pest infestation, so the price is certainly worth it. Treatments are meant to be effectual for up to 12 months, with a "recharge" every once in a while.

Is the pest control company licensed?

It is an issue that is important. The company will have to be licensed to perform their services. In addition, they must be licensed to handle the chemical substances in a secure way. Most of the companies will have the certifications posted right in the office where they accept customers. Walk over to them and ensure they are all legitimate and current. Ask if they've got the certification. They should not have any problem showing you that information.


All these factors are going to figure into your pest problem solution. The last thing to consider will be the price involved. Do a little comparison shopping and obtain the best value possible. Make use of the Web to research the companies you might be considering. Above all, be sure you know what type of problem you are dealing with so you can give the pest control company the relevant information.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Five Simple Tips For Choosing The Right Pest Control Company

Pests such as bees, wasps, ants, flies, rats, termites, roaches, and rodents such as rats, moles, and mice are a problem for businesses and residences worldwide. Pests destroy the environment and cause health problems. If such pests trouble you, you should consult pest control professionals. Finding a professional is not an issue, but finding the right one is the doubting task. While some may charge expensively, others may offer substandard services. Avoid dialing a call to any company you found on the internet, newspaper or television, instead follow these simple tips to get the right one.

Choose an insured company

The company that is eliminating pest in your home or business should be insured. While working with such a company, you rest assured that in case of damage, you will be fully compensated. The experts should also belong to a professional association. Such experts offer quality work.

The exterminators should be experienced

The second thing you should consider is experience. For how long have the company been operational? How many successful cases have they handled? Look for a company that has both experience and a good reputation. Such companies have the equipment, knowledge, and skill to handle any challenge. They know the right methods that will eliminate the given type of pests, and they are knowledgeable about the pesticides they use. They will offer you the best advice based on their experience.

The company should consider the safety of the environment

Third, the right company gives the safety of the environment first propriety. Pesticides contain harmful chemicals. If they are used in the wrong way, they end up harming the environment. This may cause health problems to people and animals in the surrounding. The company you hire should consider the safety of the environment while exterminating the pests by using methods that will not harm the environment.

Read the company reviews

Again, you should always read the reviews on the site before hiring. Clients come back to give feedback about the services they got when they hired the company. They may give comments on the site or any other place on the internet. Reviews do not lie.

The company's reputation

Finally, check the reputation of the company before hiring. Most companies dealing with pest control advertise their services on the internet and the mainstream media. This opens opportunities for fraudsters. Before you settle for a given company, research it well and evaluate its reputation.

Finding the right pest control company should not be a challenging task. It is important to hire a company that will do the job for the first time than a company that will force you to hire another company to do the same job.

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Saturday, August 10, 2019

Pest Control Companies - Know How You Can Benefit By Hiring a Reputed One

Professional pest control companies work methodically and dedicatedly to make your home pest-free. The moment you get in touch with a reputed pest control service in your area, you get the peace of mind that the problem would be dealt with most efficiently. However, you must make sure that you contact the right company to receive the most competent services.

Some of the basic factors that help in determining the level of competence a company is capable of working with include:

Experience: It is important that the company you hire must have adequate experience in the field of pest control. With experience comes the knowledge and expertise to deal with a problem better and to ensure a flawless accomplishment of the job.

Trained Staff: The people who would be working in your home trying to restore it back to its clean and hygienic state must be appropriately trained, experienced and certified to ensure meticulous execution of the pest control project. Hence it is important that you select a company employing only those who have extensive experience in the industry.

Up-to-date Services: The process of pest extermination has made remarkable advancements over the years. Old traditional methods have been replaced by new and advanced techniques. It is important therefore that the company you hire must keep themselves updated on the latest pest control methods in order to ensure meticulous extermination.

Reputation: Reputation is one of the most significant factors that need to be checked and verified before hiring the services of a pest control company. Study the market well and make necessary inquiries to obtain detailed information about the kind of reputation a particular service provider has earned for themselves.

Once you make your selection regarding a pest control service, it is important that you know exactly what to expect from them. Setting the right expectations helps you to prepare yourself for the kind of services you are supposed to look for in a company, thereby avoiding unnecessary disappointments.

Here are some of the significant ways they help people live in a house that's free of pests:

Pest Inspection: It is always wise to take the necessary precautions even before the problem has struck. Reputed pest control companies perform a thorough and meticulous inspection of your home to detect any possibility for a pest attack. When purchasing a new home the pest inspection involves identifying any signs of previous treatments. This helps in knowing if the house has ever been infested with pests.

Pest Extermination: There are various kinds of pests that can invade your home and spoil its hygiene and safety. Expert pest extermination services know the appropriate techniques and tools required for dealing with specific pests, thereby ensuring quick and accurate elimination of the problem.

Anti-Pest Treatments: Experienced and trusted pest control companies can not only ensure meticulous inspection and flawless extermination but are also knowledgeable enough to provide effective anti-pest treatments in your home to prevent pest infestation again in the future.

The secret to efficient pest extermination lies in the implementation of right treatments and techniques. And that requires appropriate knowledge, experience, and training that can only be expected from professional pest control services.

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