Friday, January 3, 2025

Understanding the Carpenter Beetle: A Silent Invader in Your Home

The carpenter beetle may not be as infamous as its close relative, the termite, but it can still cause significant damage to wooden structures in your home. These unassuming insects are known for their wood-boring habits, and while they might not be as destructive as termites, a carpenter beetle infestation can still be a cause for concern. Here’s what you need to know about carpenter beetles and how to protect your home from them.

What is a Carpenter Beetle?

Carpenter beetles are a type of wood-boring beetle that belong to the family Cerambycidae. There are several species, but the most common one found in North America is the Hylotrupes bajulus, or the old house borer. These beetles are typically brown or black with distinctive markings, and their larvae are the real culprits when it comes to damaging wood.

Unlike termites, which feed on cellulose, carpenter beetles do not eat the wood they tunnel through. Instead, they create extensive galleries in wood as they develop, which weakens the structure of the wood. The adult beetles will leave small exit holes in the wood when they emerge, often leading homeowners to discover an infestation.

Jeff Verges/Owner/Operator
742 Santa Anita Court
Eugene, OR 97401

541-688-0580 Eugene 
503-371-8373 Salem

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